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The Great North Road





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Covering topics from the Romans to Renewable Energy

Stevenage Inns

Hostelries of all kinds developed to meet the diverse needs of an increasingly mobile population. Some catered for drovers and farmers taking their livestock to market in ...

Burghley House

The route of Ermine Street runs through the Burghley estate and remains a public footpath. The Great North Road ran alongside the estate as the road winds.....

Ferrybridge Chariot Burial

A rare chariot burial was discovered in 2003 during the construction of the upgraded motorway intersection between the A1(M) Great North Road and the...

Ferrybridge Coaching Inns

There was a thriving cluster of coaching inns at Ferrybridge in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Famous hostelries included The Angel, The Swan and...

Margaret Tudor

Margaret Tudor was at the centre of relationships between England and Scotland. Aged 13 she made a triumphant journey to Edinburgh along the Great...

King James I

A meandering but triumphant journey south along the Great North Road marked the start of the reign of King James I in 1603. It was his first visit to England...

Stage-coach History

Stagecoach history is intertwined with societal changes in travel habits, technical innovation, the roots of industrial revolution, population growth and...

London Coaching Inns

By the early 19th century there were 120 stage coach inns within a city which was far more compact than today. Many of the coach services were aligned with specific...

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